30 May 2010

The Dukan Diet - "Attack Phase" day 6

Sunday morning: 107,9kg
Going to see my friends in Essex, will be tempted a lot to have amazing food and alcohol.
Will let you know what happened on my arrival.
Fingers crossed for my will power.
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As I thought, loads of temptations as David (my friend) is an amazing chef and I happen to looove food. Anyway, had to go to a pub for lunch, so I insisted on Nando's, at least they do only chicken.
I had two quarters of chicken, trying to resist the temptaition of eating the skin, my God that was hard, and some apparently plain chicken livers which were very salty, so God knows what they put in the marinade.
In the evening there was this amazing dinner cooked by the aforementioned David. He prepared a marinated, for two days, lamb with panfried raw chorizo couscous and freshly made salad. guess what I had two sirloin steaks, and proud! I must admit I had to have a flavour of his cooking so only tried a little bit, and I mean a tiny little bit, of everything. Not proud of having tiny bit of wine with dinner, but really could not resist and one G&T (slimline).

No weighing this time.

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