22 July 2010

The Dukan Diet - "Cruise Phase" week 8

Neck hurting.
Decided to go to 95kg.

Work, preparation for the training in Ireland the next day.
Flying out in the evening with AerLingus and staying in Crowne Plaza Hotel (same as last time).
I had some grilled SeaBass in the restaurant with vegetables, lovely! Id did have one piece of wholegrain bread, as it was so fresh and was looking at me in that special way.
Obviously had it with some butter ;)

No weight.
Did the training, had some sandwiches due to the fact I was not prepared for it.
Flying home tonight.

I am going to 95kg and not less, as apparently I started to disappear ;)

12 July 2010

The Dukan Diet - "Cruise Phase" week 7

99.4kg! only 1.4kg to go, or a bit more, as I think I might do with some more of burning now and then concentrate on not gaining it again. Had to do two days of PP + V for the sake of not wasting food.
Injured my neck at the gym, not good.

100.0kg, this is what happens when you misbehave and eat crisps in the evening with a small beer. No more temptations please. Now, get back to PP and losing that fat!
Neck hurts like hell.

Visit at the doctors due to immense pain in the neck after Monday gym session.
Turned out to be a "trapped/clipped nerve". Diclofenac subscribed, over 80 tablets, gosh!

Staying at home, can not move, can not sit.

Stayed at home again and worked from my bed.
Pain does not go away.

Quiet day, still hurting.

Did not weigh myself.
Happy BBQ with Ania's friends from work, all day long.

10 July 2010

The Dukan Diet - "Cruise Phase" the weekend (39, 40, 41)

100,3kg, extremely hot outside.
I sent my old TV to my sister.

100,2kg, hot again, went to kayak a little bit
for the second time since my first kayak action in years.
It was really good.
Now off to BBQ at my friend's new house.

Nice day outside, going to watch F1 British (Home) GP
and then World Cup Final in the evening.
Let's pray for good TV reception.

8 July 2010

The Dukan Diet - "Cruise Phase" day 38 (PP)

Thursday morning, and another small progress.
100,3kg, and only 2,3kg to go, or a little bit more if I decide it's worth it.

The Dukan Diet - "Cruise Phase" day 37 (PP + V)

getting closer to the goal 100,9kg again, but that is normal after not being too strict.
Germany vs Spain tonight!

Bought new TV, Panasonic TX-P42G20B, sooo excited!

The Dukan Diet - "Cruise Phase" day 36 (PP)

Tuesday, another small progress, 100,9kg.
Protein only day, wanted to go to the gym, but did not work out as there was WC semi-final with Netherlands vs Uruguay.

5 July 2010

The Dukan Diet - "Cruise Phase" day 35 (PP + V)

Monday, back on track 101.2kg!
Going to the gym this evening to sweat some of the fat off!