28 May 2010

The Dukan Diet - "Attack Phase" day 4

Woke up in the morning, weight 108,8kg. What is wrong, stagnation?
Anyway, have got to keep on going, no one said it will be instant and easy, did they?

Dukan pancake, two fried eggs, fromage frais and smoked salmon, story of my life hey! :)

Oven baked chicken breast x3 with amazingly delicious garlic sauce (courtesy of Ania W.).
Garlic sauce can be added to anything and everything so if you are fan of garlic and do not mind smelling a bit, then here is how to make it.
PS. I would not recommend using garlic for too long in a row, as your skin will start smelling of garlic too, so tae breaks.

* 500g natural fat free yoghurt
* 2 cloves of garlic
* herbs and spices

Crush the garlic into the yoghurt (all of it), add some spices (black pepper, tiny bit of salt) to your liking and put it in the fridge for an hour.

Such sauce can stay for a few days in the fridge and takes the "all meat" experience to another level of satisfaction.

Evening weighing: 109,1kg

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