1 June 2010

The Dukan Diet - "Cruise Phase" day 1 (PP + V)


Hi all,

Woke up in the morning, not feeling hungry at all.
Weighed myself at 107,2kg, so not bad. Today is my first day of "Cruise Phase" so first day of being allowed vegetables. I will do my "cruising" in 1/1 ratio, so one day protein + vegetables and then one day of protein only. It will be much easier and steadier for me I think.
Had some grilled aubergine medallions dipped in egg, and did not really love it.
Looking forward to lunch, as we cooked a kind of ratatouille with aubergines, courgettes, tomatoes and onion. Will keep you posted.

All day on meat and ratatouille. Feels weird, still have problems with the toi toi stuff to be honest and feel very bloated after the vegetables. The weight went up a lot during the day, I hope it is just my body trying to get as much as possible from the veg and does not release it at all.
I will see what will be my weight in the morning, will it be up, stay the same, or down?
Good night!

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